Saturday, April 24, 2010

M3-25 News Part 6

Some of the major circles have finally put up details about their upcoming releases.

Vampires appear to be a very popular theme this year. Aside from Hatsuki Yura, Queen of Wand will also be releasing a vampire-themed album, titled Midians Anthology. Preview of the tracks is available.

MiddleIsland will be releasing a new vocal album called 返し刃の獅子 (Kaeshiha no Shishi), with Murasaki on vocal. Preview of the tracks is available.

Ether will be releasing their 6th album, titled Umbalance. Sample for the album is up on their website. Along with the album, Ether Extra.04 -Orgel Special- will also be available for those who attend M3-25.

Finally, ヒメゴト。 (Himegoto.), a circle formed by composer Kei+m and vocalist/lyricist uco, will be releasing a new album called Sweets Garden. Unlike the unassuming album title, however, their music is of the heavy symphonic rock variety.


  1. thanks for the updates, do you know where I can find "Hana no Hate" by Voltage of Imagination?

  2. To McFaddenRegis,

    "Hana no Hate" should be out now, but I haven't been able to locate it yet. The album will also be on sale at M3-25, so perhaps there is a chance it can be found then.
